01234 270 601
FACES operate within a range of preventative services available to children in need or families under stress. Families are generally referred to FACES by professionals, however every year around a quarter of families refer themselves. Many of the families who are referred to us find access to mainstream services difficult.
FACES supports families through a range of services and projects. If you are not sure if we can support you or a family you are referring, we welcome enquiries by telephone, email or by calling into the office in person. FACES are open from 9am-5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am-4pm on Friday.
Home visiting support for families with children 0-11.
Visits are weekly with Practitioner and volunteer support. Families are generally referred through partner agencies however we do also welcome self referrals. Funded by The Henry Smith Charity
Domestic Abuse
Support for victims of domestic abuse. This support is for victims who have been assessed as standard to medium risk. We also provide support where the abuse is historical. Funded by Global Make Some Noise.
Home visiting and community support through pregnancy and up to 6 months after birth. Please call the office to discuss a referral. Funded by Harpur Trust.
Emotion Detectives
A 6 week programme created by FACES for children aged 7 to 11 years old who are showing early signs of mental health difficulties. This is a school based programme, please contact your child’s school to refer. Funded by Bedfordshire Educational Association.
This is a project to support fathers and their children 0-8 through workshops and 1-1 home visiting. Funded by Family Hubs.
A monthly play session for children with Special Educational Needs (SEND) and their parents 0-5 years. This is funded by Bedfordshire Charitable Trust.
Spectrum Support
Offering fortnightly forums and 1-1 support for families with children with Special Educational Needs (SEND). Children do not need a diagnosis to access this service. Funded by Frank Branston Trust.
Any professional can refer to FACES, our services are confidential and free of charge. Professionals making a referral need to obtain consent from the parent, although please note that parents can self-refer.
We have several different services each with their own criteria. Some families may access more than one service such as family home visiting support and crisis aid. We also provide some services on a spot purchasing arrangement such as Protective Behaviours for parents and PAFT (parents as first teachers) support.
Referral forms can be emailed to office@facesbedford.org
or posted to:
FACES, Church Lane Community Centre
147 Church Lane
We do recommend that you call us before completing the referral form so that we can give you some idea of capacity.
The number to call is 01234 270601.